Are you busy enough to need a time management system but too rebellious to use one?

Twenty-four hours. You get them over and over and over again. At first glance, it seems like a lot of time but it goes fast. Really fast. 

You attempt to juggle a some variation of the standard commitments--work, family, home, community, etc. You need space to learn, heal, and grow. You need to care for your body, mind, and heart. Your dreams need time and energy that may be hard to come by. 

You try. Hard. And it's still not enough.

This is not to say that you are not enough because YOU ARE ENOUGH. But I know that sometimes it doesn't feel that way. 

Why practical magic? 

Practical. In a world full of spiritual healers, I am the practical one. I am the one who showed you how to heal your life by healing your space. Instead of journeying through old lifetimes, I'm going to encourage you to release the relationships you're in right now that no longer serve you. Instead of operating in the multiple dimensions, I'm going to meet you right here in the 3D world and tend to the business of your mortal self. We will manipulate time by saying no to that which no longer serves us. We will attract what we need and desire by setting intentions and taking action, even if that means asking other mortals for help. We will expand our energy by creating systems that reduce anxiety by helping us do what we mean to do with our days.

Magic. I believe we all have magic within us but if you are not intentional, your magic cannot be impactful. You can do all.the.things to make yourself more powerful but it's like a fire hydrant opened wide with no one holding onto the end of the hose. The whole neighborhood gets wet but you never get the fire put out. When you direct your magic through creative, wise, and purposeful action, you will cultivate extraordinary results. This is about harnessing the power within you in order to get the very most out of the time, energy, and brain power you have at your disposal. 

You need a solid system to support you, something customized to your real life that accommodates the way your brain works. You need a plan that reminds you what matters, reveals where your time is going, and helps you make hard decisions about when to say yes and when to say no.  And it can't be too rigid because you're a rebel at heart and you need flexibility. 

Join me April 30th to learn how to harness your magic in a practical way. If you already have a system that is not working, we will find the holes in it and fill them in. If you don't have a system, I'll share my bullet journal inspired system that rounds up your backlog, your future plans, your oodles of reoccurring maintenance and commitments, and the little stuff that fills in every space you don't righteously defend. We will dig into the sources of your overwhelm and tend to the barriers that keep you stuck. 

For many Unrulies, space healing was phase one of the Traveling Lightly experience. Phase two is healing your schedule and to-do list, to heal the way spend your time and energy. It is about releasing mental chaos and taking back your integrity. This workshop will heal the relationship you have with yourself. Are you ready for Practical Magic?

Register for the Practical Magic:

APRIL 30, 2018


What's Included:

  • Weekly Group Sessions: We will begin April 30, 2018. During the 21-day Practical Magic workshop, the weekly group sessions will be held by phone on Wednesdays @ 8:00 pm Central Time and on Saturdays @ 11:00 am CT. 
  • Virtual Support: There will be a private Facebook group for accountability, connection, and support on a daily basis throughout the journey. This space will be archived one week after this workshop concludes.
  • Discounted Private Sessions: Every participant will have the option to add private sessions with their registration at a discounted rate of $75 (reg $125).  Private sessions help personalize the journey. You can learn more about private sessions here.